Monday, February 14, 2011

Gleecap : S02E11

So I'm ... guest Gleecapping (GuGleecapping?) this episode, because for some reason I volunteered. I'm doing it sort of as a live blog in the sense that I'm about to watch the episode for the first time and will be doing my screencaps and recapping at the same time with no intention to watch the episode again tonight. So this should be interesting. Or a train wreck. Especially since my computer is doing the computer equivalent and shitting its pants and drooling at the moment. So yay!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Basic social interaction makes me want to die

Me and Glee; Me and small talk. Yeah, that's a twofer.
So the Gleecap of the Super Bowl episode is to come. Really. I'm working on it. It's already way to freaking long and I'm roughly a quarter way through the episode. I got a bit burned out on it, since I don't love Glee the same way I love Doctor Who and I got burned out on Doctor Who too so... yeah.

But I want to talk to you about banal conversations and how they are completely useless.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Warp Zones, Fast Travel, and Teleportation: Screw the Journey

I'm currently reading (very slowly) The Legend of Zelda And Philosophy and I'm having a very hard time getting through the first proper chapter because it is pissing me off. It is arguing that being able to skip the journey in video games is... degrading to the experience? It stops you from being able to appreciate the areas in between where you'd like to go and rips you out of the illusion of space that video games provide. I freaking love being able to fast travel (to borrow Oblivion's term) because I find going the long way in games to be extremely tedious. This also sort of applies to my life.