Thursday, October 28, 2010

So titles are sort of mandatory?

I have been putting this blog post off for at least a couple of months because I hate trying to sum myself up. It’s not like I’m this super amazing entity whose super-power is being impossible to describe. There are just so many other things to talk about, but I’ve come to the conclusion that if I would ever like to address anything else I have to cover the subject of myself first. Or that’s at least how Josh feels.

I can find merit in almost anything. Honestly. As a result I take a lot of really ridiculous things far too seriously. If you get me on a subject I can, and most likely will, ramble on about it until you feel something akin to brain freeze, or so I’ve been told. Wow I’m not really doing a good job selling myself here, let’s start over:

Hey internet! It’s Katrina! I kick ass! I am at least as cool as you are, future loyal reader, if not far cooler. I am constantly having an amazing time, hanging out with a crowd populated by only the hippest people in the—

Oh who am I kidding? If I’m not working, I’m generally at home hitting the Stumble button until I go to bed. I’m not a hermit, but going out is just so taxing. I guess that’s another thing you know about me: I’m ridiculously introverted. Despite what I said about StumbleUpon like five seconds ago, I am pretty good at entertaining myself. My brain (and I say that because I feel no real control over this process) takes just about everything to a ridiculous place. I guess that’s why I want to get this post out of the way so bad. I have all of these outrageous thoughts and I’m tired of keeping them to myself.

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