Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Tiny Hat Parade: Episode IV: A New Hope

It is a period of civil unrest. A gay man named Joshua, wearing fanciful scarves in an undisclosed city called Papillion, has won his first two-person dwelling with the mysterious Madame Katrina. During the relocation, Joshua suggested the establishment of a blog intended to communicate secret plans at world-domination using the Empire's ultimate weapon, the TINY HAT, a magnificent exercise in fantastical frivolity with the power to destroy naysayers. Pursued by Katrina's sinister plots to live a life of fabulousness, the Tiny Hat Parade establishes facebook, twitter, blogspot and email accounts. This is our mission, to save our people and restore freedom to the galaxy ....

Copyright infringement FTW? Well, here we are, another new blog inserted delicately into the blogsphere. If by delicately you mean without bells and whistles, and by blogsphere you mean the collective rectum, then you would be correct in your assumptions. I would like to say that the plans for our blog are lofty. I would like to say that this was a last-minute decision that we decided upon last night and set up in just a few short moments. In fact, this is nearly four months in the making. it all began with a Masquerade Party back in May, and has slowly developed into jesting comments, unwritten introduction posts, an empty twitter account and constant badgering to blog already.

So, without too much adieu, I present Five Ws!

Who (we are): We are Joshua and Katrina. We are a pair of 20-somethings with a penchant for the extreme, and leaning towards bitchiness, and an ardent appreciation for music that borders on insanity and frankly crosses that line from time to time.

What (this is for): This is an exercise in communication. Our lives are, in short, ridiculous. Full of unwitting adventures, observations of the unique or bizarre, and sometimes overwhelming. We figure it is our responsibility to share the outrageous aspects of our lives for your education, entertainment and amusement.

When (we'll be posting): For now we plan on posting whenever the universe deems it appropriate. If you would like a more regular posting schedule, you might want to weigh in on the poll to the right-hand side of the screen.

Why (the hell we're doing this): We get bored.

Where (we is): We live, love, and adventure in the Omaha Metro Area of Nebraska. Specifically, we live in Papillion, Nebraska, and have jobs in both Papillion and Omaha. We're midwesterners without a midwestern mentality.

That said, expect an introductory post from both Josh and Katrina in the near-future. Peace homies!

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