Friday, November 05, 2010


Tammy Metzler: "It's not like I'm a lesbian or anything. I'm attracted to the person. It's just that all the people I've been attracted to happen to be girls."

CONGRATULATIONS! The elections are done, and it looks like voter turn out this year is the highest it's been in a midterm year since 1982!

"WHAT?! Seriously? Wow! That's amazing, Josh," is what you'd say if i said that with a straight face.

Then, I'd say, "Bringing the nation-wide average to 42%"

42. That means out of every fifty people who were eligible to vote, and could have registered and voted, only 21 of them actually did it. 21. Do you realized how pathetic this is? Originally, I was going to bitch and moan about how civil rights have been pushed back about 40 years. Seriously, the next thing I know I'm going to have to sit in the back of the bus, use a separate water fountain and hell if we start electing more hyper social conservatives, I've already plotted out my path on the homo underground railroad (I'm going to Quebec {Or Iowa}.)

But before I could even start to type that post, I decided to check the stats and frankly, I don't think anybody who didn't vote even gets to know what's happening in the world. In fact, if you didn't vote and you don't have a damn good reason, please take the route of the fictional green lemmings, and  find the nearest ocean or fire pit, or devouring monster-thing and just end yourself as blindly as you've allowed yourself to exist.

I'm serious. Just die. Dammit. I'm too pissed off and frustrated to go on with this post. Expect commentary on Prop 19 and Gay Civil Rights. I might touch on the Fiscal situation, but for now, go and sit in the corner of shame.

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