"If you could make someone love you, would you?"
So, let me begin by saying that I have had some time to cool down in this regard. Let me also state that Katrina didn't vote. Similarly noted would be the fact that I did vote. These things said, I would like it to be known that those who didn't vote forfeit their right to bitch, moan, groan, whine or complain. Likewise, anybody who voted for a third party or a write-in candidate threw their vote away and should go the route of Raphus cucullatus and just go away already. Nobody wants you here until we get a true third-party option. (If anybody brings up Ralph Nader, I will hunt you down, kill you and use your skin to bind pamphlets about the upcoming homostruggle.) Now that I've got all of that out of the way...
CONGRATULATIONS! Ladies and gentlemen, we have managed to push Civil rights back about forty years! You should all be very proud of yourselves! I anticipate that within the next year we will see riots comparable to Stonewall. Think I'm overreacting? I don't. In fact, I can cite instances in modern history, within the past year where violence and denial of basic civil rights to homosexuals has led to a palpable sense of impending reaction. So far, we've managed to keep our cool. We're gay, we spontaneously excrete culture in all of its many forms. We can't be seen as aggressors. We have a sense of decorum and presentation to maintain. I don't see either lasting much longer at this point.
Taking into account the recent string of suicides by young men in direct response to anti-gay bullying as well as the social conservative take over that we as voters are now responsible for, I can see no other logical outcome than a full-out, no-holds-barred, brawl between the intelligent masses, and the fuckwad conservative douche-tools.
I suggested, in jest, during my election post, that I was expecting to see Separate But Equal pop up again only sub gay for black. I swear, I was just joking, then a couple of days ago, at work, a group of us were standing outside taking a break, when the subject of gay rights came up. Now, I'm out at work. Everybody knows Josh likes boys, so I'm sure the more conservative people were holding back, when one of them said, "I don't care if the gays get their way, I just don't wanna see it. Why don't we just make gay schools for them to teach at? and like make gay bathrooms so they don't look at my junk and stuff."
Are you kidding me? Really? Somebody actually came up with this thought. Somebody, in our country, in the year 2010, managed to genuinely think this is a good idea? What? WHAT?! I can just see it now, Gay Schools filled with Home Economics, Choir, and Lady Gaga Appreciation 101! All of the teachers are kept abreast of the latest Fall fashions so as to punish those students dressed unbefitting of their gay station. We'll have our own water fountains, something motion activated of course because we can't possibly be brought to touch the fountain itself. We'll have our own bathrooms just a little to the left of your bathrooms, they'll have black lights, and strobes in them and opening the door to take a peek inside will result in a wave of techno and trance music. We'll have gay swimming pools with bubbles and a light show, and even a gay police force to take care of handing out fashion tickets for anybody seen wearing fingerless gloves or anything sold in the As Seen on TV catalog.
You know ... now that I write all that down, why not. Let's do this America! Let's just self-segregate our gay selves. We'll take over Celebration, Florida and create Gaytown, USA. Maybe one day, we can secede and become Gaytown, Gayland the happiest place on earth.
Or, we could grow the fuck up, and recognize that we aren't the first, and won't be the last, group of people to be discriminated against because of something beyond our control. I am deeply disappointed in all of the people of our nation right now, Gay and Straight, everything in-between and beyond. This is the turning point for our society, and we are not making the right decisions. Frankly, when the backwater, bass-ackwards state of Iowa is ahead of the curve on Gay Rights, there must be something wrong.
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