Thursday, November 04, 2010

Probably should've written this when things were still fresh

So the ball the ball is apparently in my court as far as describing our RHPS evening goes, apparently. Let's get through this, shall we?

Imaginary Hipster Boy:

This is one of those weird situations when it seems like one of the involved parties is stalking the other, but really it's just coincidence--right?

We first encountered this sad figure at the Old Dundee, planted alone at the bar. Being people watchers, we made note of him. Maybe made some fun, because hey, it's what we do.

Things got a little weird when we moved on to the 1020. The inside of the bar was intensely crowded, so we vacated to the patio area. Who should we find but this hipster boy, sitting at a table, once again on his own. I feel like he must have some sort of powers involving space-time, because we didn't exactly dawdle when switching bars, nor did I see him leave the Old Dundee, but there he was. I was probably just drunk, but hey, stories are better that way.

We actually struck up a conversation. When I say we I think I mean Josh. Anyway, the stalking came up, as it always will in these coincidental stalking situations, but the more interesting point made was the possibility that this strange lonely hipster was some sort of figment of our imaginations. We hadn't seen anyone else talking to him and he could apparently apparate, so it seemed like a fair conclusion to draw. I don't think the conversation went much farther then that and I seem to remember believing we had scared him off.

All of the theories we had formulated about him had to be thrown out the window later that night. While walking back to our car after the show, we waltzed right past him, talking to someone (!) on the sidewalk. He hollered at us about the stalking, and I was shocked to see him sans hat. The lesson learned is that a stylish hat can really make the difference between hipster and greasy Magic: The Gathering enthusiast. The more you know.

Creepy Chi-Mo Farmer Dad:

It was bluegrass night at the 1020. Some people chose to come in costume. One man chose to dress up as my dad. Well, that probably wasn't his intention, but he basically nailed it (my dad was a larger straw hat, whereas this almost doppleganger had opted for a cowboy hat). He wandered out to the aforementioned patio area and I could not not talk to this guy. I have a really bad tendency to start up conversations I have absolutely no intention of finishing, but this guy would not just let it awkwardly taper off as so many others kindly do. I don't think he was really a child molester, but I described him as creepy and Josh applied his new favorite term to him.

Sexy Cop:

Another patio person. I think we somehow became the "cool" table on the patio, because this girl was all over sitting with us. And she straight jacked my lighter! And then gave it back, but I was concerned for roughly a minute there. We're pretty sure she had a tape recorder. I would say she gets hero status for cornering an employee and getting them to point us in the direction of the restroom though, so kudos to you mysterious sexy cop!

Big Mac:

Probably my favorite character of the evening, and the one we know the least about. We went to McDonald's for some drunchkies (and lo, it was good!) and Josh decides to get them to break his 100, which was a great decision. The girl working the window let out a holler of "BIG MAC!" leading me to wonder if that was a person or an order. Luckily, Big Mac showed up. Seriously. It's just a guy, working at a McDonald's, known to all as Big Mac. I wish I knew more, but it was pretty amazing.

Red Shirt:

After our food we went back to the Old Dundee to drink more and wait until we can buy our tickets/start waiting in line. When we sit down, I notice there are three guys dressed in Star Trek uniforms. Okay I don't know anything about Star Trek, but I do know red shirts exist to get killed, so I have to know how one of these fellas ended up as the Red Shirt. I wander over and ask, but it turns out he wanted to be. Why would you choose this? I guess it's a joke, but really it strikes me more as a punishment. I think I compared it to the lady in the Olive Garden commercial (which I cannot find on the internet right now) who has to pass out breadsticks while her friends do nothing. What did she do to deserve that fate? Basically Red Shirt did not provide me the Olive Garden commercial related closure that I needed, and so for that he deserves his inevitable fate.

The show:

It was a RHPS midnight show. Screaming, props, etc. Good times, but nothing too notable.

And I think that's everything we were supposed to cover? Sorry if that was mainly nonsensical, but at least it's out of the way now? I should stop ending sentences with question marks.

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