"Greg, honey is it supposed to be this soft?" -- BabsHave you heard of the Friday Five? It's pretty awesome. I used to obsessive-compulsively update my livejournal five times a day, bare minimum. On Fridays though, I would post the weekly Friday Five in lieu of any other entries. It's a pretty simple concept. Every week, [this website] updates their blog with five questions. They usually have a theme of some sort that ties all five questions together. This week happens to be Expiration. I really like the Friday Five, because whenever I'm feeling a little desperate for a blog topic, I always have access to the previous Friday Five entries to give me a little bit of inspiration. Enjoy the blog, and feel free to steal them for your own blog. Remember to link back to the website!
1: What is the most recent thing to go past its expiration date in your pantry?
A: If I remember correctly, the last thing to spoil in our pantry would have been a bag of kiwis. Aaron, my ex boyfriend, left them in the cupboard when he moved out of our apartment back in October and they disappeared into a bag of potatoes. They have been the object of much consternation between Katrina and I due to the fact that they summoned a swarm of fruit flies that we have only recently been able to get rid of. Matter of fact, I am actually kind of annoyed thinking of it. Stupid Aaron leaving fruit in my pantry and making me grumpy. mutter.
2: When does your excitement about the new year usually expire?
A: Traditionally, I get fed up with the excitement and optimism of the new year within the first month. Every now and then, it will last until February, but not usually. I will say that I get a reboot when my tax refund shows up in March, but that's about it. Truth be told, I'm never much excited for the new year to begin with, but gradually as the years have gone on, I've gotten more excited than I was when I was younger.
3: What valued possession seems to be on the verge of expiration?
Truth be told, nothing. It's actually surprising. There was a lengthy period of time where everything I had was on the verge of death and suffering. I've been pretty steadfast about taking care of it over the last couple of months since moving into the Papillion apartment. If something looks like it's going to crash and burn sometime soon, I don't keep it around. I either repair it or get rid of it and buy something new. All of the things I own are currecntly in good to excellent condition.
4: When does your current Driver's License expire?
Well, considering as how I had to get a new license after the mugging, it doesn't expire for another five years, luckily. How awesome is that, right? I've always kept an eye on the expiration dates of my documents, I'm always worried that I'll need something and it will be expired.
5: What subscription, membership, permit, policy, or other dated document are you most likely to allow to expire next without renewal?
Netflix. I was thinking about it today actually. I haven't actually used my account in over a month. Anything I want to watch, I can download online and not have to worry about paying for it. Not that I download things illegally, because that's morally reprehensible, and I'm a good human being who doesn't do anything illegal. Yeah.
There you have it, this week's Friday Five! Cheers!
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