Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

"When life gives you lemons, just say, 'fuck the lemons,' and bail." -- Surfing Instructor 

Is it 2012 yet? People keep asking me what my resolutions for the year are. It's all I hear on the radio, every morning, all morning! Katrina is quitting soda and cigarettes. People are resolving not to work so often, or to take more time to spend with the family, lose weight, work out more ... It kind of makes me feel like a lazy sack for not having resolutions of my own. I have my resolution to blog on a more regular basis, and that's about it. I didn't used to be such a lazy git tho. I used to write out twenty resolutions every year. I even kept most of them. Well, most of most of them, mostly. Somtimes. So, in an effort to not be a lazy sack, I figure I'll come up with ten decent resolutions and act like I'm going to carry through with them. I say act like because we all know that I'm going to either forget, or give up pretty quick. That said, let's get this over with, shall we?

1: Blog on the regular.
This one is pretty simple, and self-explanatory. I want to make sure that I blog daily, keep up our page views, and more importantly, put forth the effort to practice writing. I have always been fond of writing, and I've found that when I was blogging on a frequent basis, back in Arizona, I was more prone to writing fiction and poetry, which lent itself to my second resolution's goal.

2: Be more healthily competitive.
Regrettably, I have a tendency to roll over most of the time, and not take chances. I'm actually very un-competitive, because I have a tendency to get a bit aggressive/cheaty when I'm in some sort of a competition and that tends to detract from the enjoyment of winning. One place I'd like to compete more is at the local area slams. Likewise, I'm going to be joining the local GLBT Sports League if I ever get around to it, lending itself to goals 3 and 4.

3: Be more active.
I'm not saying lose weight here. Let me make that pretty clear. I don't want to lose weight, because I'm actually happy with how I look. I'm attractive, and am proud of the shape I have attained. I'm just bored with spending so much time indoors with my computer and my books. They are a comfort in the winter months, but once warmth touches my skin again, I'm going to spend as much of my life outdoors having adventures as possible. Likewise, this lends itself to my monthly trips to go roller skating, which will hopefully end up being an opportunity to spent time with friends.

4: Stop looking for a boyfriend.
This is going to take some time, and a lot of effort, but I'm going to stop looking for a boyfriend, and let him come to me. Who knows, maybe it'll work.

5: Spend more time with friends.
Again, similarly trended with 2 and 3, I want to stop spending so much time alone, and spend more time out, or in with friends. Katrina is always a wonderful companion, but sometimes, we get sick of each other. I have been making plans to spend time with friends, but never seem to get around to it. I started already with NYE at Dan's apartment, and went further with my trip to go skating on the first of the year.  hopefully, I don't lose my momentum.

6: Say yes more often.
I'm not going to go comically, but I'm going to be more agreeable in the new year. I'm going to give more people the chance to make an impression. I'm going to be less contrary for the sake of being contrary, and I'm going to work on my negativity a bit. Who knows, maybe saying yes will lend itself to a new, more positive Joshie!

7: Not go to the hospital.
Seems pretty self-explanatory. I'm sick of hospital stays.

8: Rebuild bridges.
I've evicted several people from my life over the last year. I'm stopping this practice right now. I'm going to get into touch with the people I've either forcibly removed, or accidentally lost, and I'm going to take steps to rebuild our friendships.

9: Have lots and lots of sex.

10: Drink water.

Ok, so the last two were sucky pathetic excuses for resolutions, but I ran out of things to resolve to do. Don't hate me. if you have better ideas, feel free to let me know. If they're worthwhile, I'll replace some of mine.

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