"God! Look at that thing! You would've gone straight to the bottom." -- JackSo, I didn't post all weekend. I guess my mom got married, but I didn't get invited. I can't complain about not being invited. I'm not a fan of the man she's with, mostly because they've broken up and started dating again several times, resulting in phone number changes. I had two dates and quite a bit of cuddle-time. That's not what this brief post is about this post is about the tendency of my friends and family, and apparently, our readers, who have a nagging need to use outdated technologies that are ruining the world and stifling the internet, forcing us into the dark ages.
Ok, ok, maybe that's a little bit harsh. I've just been having a lot of IERage lately. I've been filling out paperwork for Netflix over the past week. The website that I've had to use requires Internet Explorer for about three-quarters of the forms that need filled out. Worst of all, is the inability to just download the fucking PDF files that I'm filling out online, and fill them in with AA9 Pro. It got me to thinking, and lured me into looking up some numbers and reliving one of my earlier posts where I shamed all of you people for using Internet Explorer.
For the longest time, it was even impossible to remove Internet Explorer, which I think is the root of a lot of the lack of motivation to switch to a safer, more-reliable, and versatile browser. Luckily, thanks to Windows 7, that isn't an issue. Is it a comfort thing? My mother, and by force, my brothers, all use Internet Explorer. I am sad for them, and kind of disappointed. I haven't used IE since junior high. I even tried to use IE the other day while visiting a friend and stared dumbfounded when typing something in the title bar didn't result in a google search. Am I a douche now? Is that what this means? Am I a browser snob?
I feel like I started off like everybody with IE. It was clunky and riddled with security issues and it had a tendency to piss me off even as a child. Then I had my Netscape and Opera days. Those lasted about seven days, before I found, embraced, fell in love with, and made sweet love to Firefox. Shut your face, we were meant for each other. We had a long run too, we always played safe and my disputer never got any diseases, it was fantastic. Even after changing over to MacOS, I kept with Firefox for the sake of safety and ease of UI. I can't say I've ever used Safari really, except to check compatibility of websites. In fact, Safari isn't even taking up space on my hard drive.
Now of course, I've forsaken Firefox for Chrome, but keep them both on my HD so that I can use FF when Chrome doesn't have the compatibility it needs for some douche-baggy websites. I guess I'm confused about why people don't forsake IE for the far safer, and stable alternatives. Is it more about the love of the default, or what? What browser do you use? Why do you use it? Why haven't you switched to Chrome?
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