"No, It's Morgan Freeman, do you have any bones that need collected?" -- Juno
This quote has nothing to do with this blog post. It just happens to be my favorite quote from the movie. A more appropriate quote would be, "It makes his junk smell like pie." Not for the obvious reasons, because I'm subtle and do what I can to make people think about the things I say. In case you didn't know, this blog post is about how I experience attraction in threes. In fact, I experience a lot of things in threes, specifically any interpersonal relationships I've had have occurred, or developed, in threes. I privately call it my 'echo'. You see, when I was very young, I had three very close friends, and as such, I have continued this trend and have always had three very close friends at any given time. Three people that have always mattered the most to me. On top of that, my adventures in dating and attraction have always happened in threes as well. I don't know what happened to cause this, but every time I meet a great guy, I meet two more great people at the same time. Eventually, that dwindles down to one, but it never happens gradually. Suddenly, two of them will do something that drops them out of the running.
Presently, my three friends are Katrina, Gina and Emily. It's funny because Emily only recently moved back up, when somebody else was pushed out. The same thing happened with Gina about a month ago. This isn't really about those three though. This is more about my three present attractions. For the purposes of this blog, we will call them Eric, Hyde and Fez. I chose them because they represent three archetypes that seem to pretty well illustrate the three types of guys that I regularly find myself entangled with. Eric being the lovable nerd-face. Hyde the 'mellow' half-hippy, half-hipster. Finally, Fez as the obviously gay option, with a tendency toward outrageousness.
It's becoming difficult to figure out who I'm going to end up with in this situation. I've been stressing out about it actually. Out of nowhere, Hyde was thrown out of the race about a week ago. He did something stupid, and I was surprised to anticipate some sort of relief from this triad. Then, just two days ago, a new Hyde, rather, a previous Hyde that had been removed a little over a year earlier. So, I'm back to three. This is the first time that a player leaving has been replaced before the second person has been eliminated. In short, this is the LONGEST echo ever. lol. I don't see any of them being eliminated any time soon. So, I'm pretty sure I'm doomed to go on cute dates and be adorable with charming guys who fit archetypes. Gosh darnit.
Eric is always the same person, He's always a few years younger than me. Charming and nerdy, with a tendency to spend his days playing World of Warcraft, or Dungeons & Dragons. He's usually some degree of overly-intelligent pretentious asshat. He and I always meet in some way that sings of our mutual geekiness, usually online. We almost never have friends in common, but his friends always end up liking me. It's usually the best of the three possibilities, as all but twice I have ended up with the Eric of the group. The first Eric would have been Jeremy, we dated through the end of my senior year of high school. He went to anime conventions in costume ...
Hyde is usually closer to my age. He's always taller than me, which isn't too difficult, considering how freakishly short I am. He's usually punk-rock, alternatively dressed and usually rocks some kick ass hair style. He loves music, and has a few small geek touches, nothing overtly obvious. He likes video games, and spends his text conversations with me laughing out loud, and cracking jokes to each other. He's active and energetic, with physical passions like going to the gym, and playing frisbee golf. Shut up, frisbee golf is a legit sport. The alternative is that he is a dirty hippy. Dirty hippies are the modern equivalent to punk rocker. Shut up, it's true. The first would have been Zach, in high school. He was a cute goth boy that had weekend boxing matches ...
Finally, we have Fez. Fez has, on occasion, been a girl. When a man, he is the blatantly homosexual, clearly fabulous, fashion-minded princess. He's usually under 5'7", and is usually light enough for me to carry around on my back. He's flamboyant and giddy. he's almost always got a high-pitched voice and a leaning toward being an outrageously loud bottom. He's cute and adorable. We look good together and my family always loves him because he's just so gosh darn cute! The first would have been Gay Sam. He used to ride on my shoulders...
So yeah, those are my three echoes.
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