Thursday, January 20, 2011

I definitely forgot to give this a title! Oops!

I thought finding a picture of Meredith dancing with a tequila bottle would be easy. Who knew?
I have been feeling fairly off this week, so sorry for the lack of posts. I could go on about what's wrong, but tonight sort of pushed me over the edge and right on over to the overly energetic, sort of surprisingly cheerful side of things so I will not be talking about CRANKY and OVERLY CONTEMPLATIVE Katrina today. Instead I'd like to share with a few things that make me happy. I doubt if any of them will be terribly surprising, but it's my duty as a blogger to obnoxiously obvious and constantly acting like I know better than you! (Warning: I'm getting progressively drunker as this post goes on. Sincerely, future Katrina!)

1. A Good Jam: This one inspired the picture up top. I was rocking out to "Portions for Foxes" by Rilo Kiley on the way home from work and musing. It was the first song ever played on Grey's Anatomy, but I loved it before then. It was sort of my theme to a messy man situation I was in a while back (that should've told me something. He's bad news!), which also happened during the same summer that Cameron got me too high to move off of his couch and threw on Grey's Anatomy, over my objections. I love Grey's now. Every time I showed up in Lincoln with a bottle of tequila and a bag of limes was because of Grey's. I still think dancing it out is a good solution to problems.

Anyway! A good jam can pull you out of a funk. As I've mentioned on this blog before! Throw it on, crank it up, and sing to your heart's content.

2. A Good Book: I recently had my all-time favorite book returned to me. It makes me happy in a way that no other book does, but it's also part of the reason I've disappeared for a bit. The book is The History of Love by Nicole Krauss. There are bits in it that always blow my mind. I have to stop reading and literally, physically hug the book every time I get to them. They make my heart happy. I cannot think of another way to put that. It's like butterflies in my stomach, but in my heart. I don't know if you would love it as much as I do, because your favorite book is something personal, but if you're interested please give it a read (before the goddamned movie comes out UGH!). It's not nearly as schmoopy as the title suggests. I would love for every single person I know to read this book, because I feel like they would understand me better. I wish I could just mention "The Age of Silence" and have whoever I'm conversing with instantly understand. This particular portion deals with a time in the history of love when speaking was done only with the hands. Let me quote a bit (bear with me here):

"The first language humans had was gestures.... No distinction was made between the gestures of language and the gestures of life. The labor of building a house, say, or preparing a meal was no less an expression than making the sign for I love you or I feel serious.... Naturally, there were misunderstandings. There were times when a finger might have been lifted to scratch a nose, and if casual eye contact was made with one's lover just then, the lover might accidentally take it to be the gesture, not at all dissimilar, for Now I realize I was wrong to love you.... Sometimes these misunderstandings were even desirable, since they gave people a reason to say, Forgive me, I was only scratching my nose. Of course I know I've always been right to love you.... It's not that we've forgotten the language of gestures entirely... Holding hands, for example, is a way to remember how it feels to say nothing together. And at night, when it's to dark to see, we find it necessary to gesture on each other's bodies to make ourselves understood."

So that was a bit of a butchering of my favorite part of my favorite book. The entire book is not like this (it's a book within a book and it's complicated so just read it already, geez!). The reason it's made me less anxious to post here is because I will never write anything that moves anyone as much as this book moves me.

But! It makes me happy. I'm incredibly excited to have it back in my possession, because whenever I'm feeling sort of crappy I can reread it and be guaranteed at least 5 instances of outrageous joy!

3. Booze: Oh dear god. I seem like an alcoholic don't I? I'm not really, but goddamn it's nice to come home from a crappy day at work and ingest some booze. I live in my head, totally and completely, so I love altering my consciousness a bit too much. Marijuana is the best (because it's basically anxiety medication for me), but I'm pretty much off of that so alcohol will do. It makes me stop screaming at myself about how I have no money in my bank account, a terrible job, a practically empty pantry, and so on and so forth. So it's lovely.

4. Having a mini-cation: I have the next four days off work. I am very excited. I also have plans with a lovely lady that I haven't spent time with in an incredibly long time. I plan on regressing and having a slumber party, which means fantastically terrible movies!

Have you guys seen Newsies? Yeah, that's totally Christian Bale. It's pretty awesome. It's also from the guy who made High School Musical. It'll blow your gosh darn mind!

I am also excited that I might actually get to spend more than 12 hours (most of which is usually sleeping) with boyfriend! Yay!

5. New Community!: Holy crap, I'm so incredibly excited for the new Community that I am not currently illegally downloading. Really you could substitute that with any comedy (I have Frasier DVDs and that is also very exciting!), but there's just something about Community that makes me happy every time. Well, Frasier too actually. But yeah! Hey it just finished not-downloading! Yay!

And I can't remember if I've posted this one before, but it's easily the best moment in Community history and it always makes me want to watch An American Tail!

So uhh... yeah. I'm back from my blog-cation and should post again soon! But now I've got shit to do!

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