Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's like forgetting the words to your favorite song

Go me!
First of all let me say that I am completely stoked that one of my posts is now the most viewed on our blog. This almost destroys my idea that no one reads my posts. Second of all I probably won't be posting much. Not that that's a change or anything. I am suffering terrible writer's block. The worst I've ever had, or at least since I started writing things. I can't even work with a prompt. I even chose the most outrageous one I could find, since writing about crazy things tends to make it easier for me to get things out, but I can't! Of course saying "I can't" is terrible and inaccurate. I could pound out some miserably terrible piece of trash and call it good enough, but I can't stop hitting delete.

I'm feeling defeated lately and I think that has a lot to do with my inability to write very much, or at least write anything well. I was halfway through writing a post of reasonable length, but I deleted all of it to avoid hoisting all of my issues on you. I'm having a quarter-life crisis of sorts and you don't really need to hear about that.

So maybe I'll just share some things that have been rolling around my head with little to no context? That seems better.

"We were frightened of being left alone for the rest of our lives. Only people of a certain disposition are frightened of being alone for the rest of their lives at the age of 26, and we were of that disposition."
-Rob, High Fidelity

This quote has always resonated with me. I'm the type of person who is convinced that life is moving way to fast for me to catch up (maybe a Ferris Bueller quote would be appropriate too, but I don't really think about that too often). I might've been lying about the context thing up there.

Actually that's all I can really think of that's been rolling around my head, at least as far as things I'm willing to share. I should clarify that the presence of that quote has less to do with relationships for me and more to do with the speed of life thing. It's really passing me by you guys. I know some things I need to do, but inertia is a bitch.

This is what I was listening to while writing this post. Let that be a glimpse into my state of mind. "For Emma, Forever Ago" is my favorite down in the dumps album.

And a baby llama, because if you haven't figured out that I enjoy pictures of baby animals at this point, you really don't get me. I thought a nice palate cleanser was in order.


  1. I'm glad you appreciate it! It made me happier :-)

    I was originally going to post a puppy, but then I realized I had never google image searched baby llamas. I was not disappointed!
