Saturday, January 29, 2011

Voice Doppelgangers, Laundry, and Indignation

I have had a pretty terrible week. Work has been extremely stressful, my car is very angry with me, and I've been in a pretty foul mood. So I could just make a whiny blog post but...

Over the past week I have met two celebrity voice doppelgangers. I want you to understand that I suck at seeing visual doppelgangers. It confuses me. I guess I'm just not a visual person (I have no real visual memory either). BUT I am apparently awesome at auditory doppelganger spotter... err... hearer?

First off, Josh and I met Dennis Miller at our local Wal-mart. We went to the store for booze and pizza, to weather the apparently snowpocalypse that everyone else in the store thought was coming, if their very full carts were any indication. We were waiting to check out when I mention having something stuck in my head and the man in front of us, who was rocking a mullet and buying a lot of beer, said something along the lines of "At least it's not..." and proceeded to sing the chorus of Bad Romance. Josh and I had a simultaneous aneurysm and were unable to function for a few moments, but I managed to say something to the guy about our plans that evening involving Lady Gaga (Glee drinking game), and when he spoke again I realized he sounded exactly like... that guy from SNL and hosted some football thing poorly? Real snooty? Because I can never remember Dennis Miller's name. But this guy sounded exactly like him. Great story, I know.

So I thought that was sort of weird. AND THEN yesterday at work I met Jeff Bridges. Who was buying the I'm Not There soundtrack and (oh my god prepare yourself please) THE LAST UNICORN. WHICH INCLUDES THE VOICE TALENTS OF JEFF BRIDGES! DUN DUN DUN! We talked about Yo La Tango and my terrible day at work was mildly brightened, because I went right to the Big Lebowski in my mind the minute I heard him talking, and lord knows that'll make you happy.

Moving right along to our next topic now. I think laundry might be the best chore! I think this every time I do it. Yeah, it sort of sucks, what with the lugging things, and folding, and putting away, but! Think about it, a load of laundry takes, what, two hours? Ish? You do roughly 5 maybe 10 minutes of work depending on how much you suck at putting laundry away in those two hours, but you can still say "I'm doing laundry." if someone asks you if you're doing something at any other point in those two hours. You got something done today. You could even use your downtime productively (I simultaneously burnt and undercooked every part of my breakfast while my loads were washing!), but if you're feeling more like the first picture in this post that's fine too, because goddamn it you are being productive and magically making your dirty clothes clean!

Umm, about that video. What I really wanted was just a picture of Penny and Billy from Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog doing laundry. Really. But I couldn't find one that satisfied me so I was like "SCREW THIS I WILL POST MY FREEZE RAY AND IT WILL BE OKAY!" but this came up on the YouTube search and I couldn't resist. Who ships Sam/Castiel? Really! Dean/Castiel is the only acceptable way to go on that, if you're into that.

So I'm going to stop being side-tracked now and tell you about the last thing I wanted to talk about, which is article titles on the internet thinking they know me. I mean the sort that are like "Top 10 ______ That You Don't Know About". These make me angry, because who are you to tell me I don't know about any of those things? I stumbled upon one about badasses today and I knew I had that damn article beat! Do you know how much time I spend on Cracked? Or how many Badass of the Week pages I've read random article on the internet? And lo and behold, I knew plenty about these mystery badasses! I sure showed that article.

Well I guess I'm running out of steam. I'll try and post slightly more regularly, but like I said, life's rough. Hopefully you'll hear from me sort of soon though.

These assholes won't even thank you for all the fish

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