Monday, January 10, 2011

My posts are sort of like America, when it was a melting pot and not a salad bowl. Or maybe they're salad bowls. I don't know.

At least I was never as bad as Robin
I think I may have quit smoking for real you guys. I've made it through two shifts at work and a couple of days off sans cigarette. Even the huge number of smoking scenes/references on How I Met Your Mother (which Josh is now watching through) haven't made me really want one. So that's exciting. I'm sure I'll smoke again at some point, but I think I can pretty solidly say that for now the habit is kicked.

I don't really have anything blog worthy to say. Nothing exciting has really happened to me lately. In fact my life has been pretty blah. Actually, blah might have too negative of a connotation to it. My life has been steady? Normal? I don't know. I've been waking up early still, going to sleep fairly early, cleaning regularly, eating regularly, and just not really having anything too disastrous happen. I've also been out of it, but I think I discussed that in a post where I complained about waking up early, so that's to be expected.

I guess I feel old. Between the waking up early and being responsible I feel older than I ever have. Time is also passing rather quickly, which is something that just screams YOU'RE OLD to me. Being young is a day (then a week, then a month, then a year) seeming infinite. Now the days just sort of blur together and a week can pass without me really noticing. In fact, that happened last week. Boyfriend left Monday morning and came over Saturday evening and I was just like "Wow, I haven't seen you in almost a week." but it didn't seem like a week had actually passed in real time (because time between seeing your boyfriend time is a lot different than real time, because that certainly felt like more than a week). My life is flying right on by.

And I have two questions for you guys:

If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be and why?

Pancakes vs. waffles vs. French toast: who wins?

Because this is what I think when I think breakfast showdown but...
I don't mean in a fight, I mean which would you rather eat. 
 Oh and a few days ago, before the snow, I was driving home from work and witnessed like 80 near accidents. Not "whoops" accidents like "OH SHIT WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE" accidents of the "WHY DO YOU HAVE A DRIVER'S LICENSE? ARE YOU LEGALLY BLIND?!" variety. None of them connected and they were all reasonably far away from me. One could say this is because I avoid other cars like whoa (I stay out of their blind spots, I drive the speed limit, I triple check everything especially when I'm alone in my car. Passengers are distracting/it's embarrassing how much of a grandma I am), but I am going to say it's because I was listening to the Lonely Goatherd. I would like to propose a theory that nothing bad can happen to you while listening to this song. Please test it out. If you can think of a time where something bad happened to you while it was playing, please let me know. I was going to post a video of it, but apparently I already did that on my first soundtrack post, so why don't you go check that out instead.

So I'll post this instead, since several conversations lately have led to this getting stuck in my head and when I start singing it I get blank looks. So yeah. Guess it wasn't a breakaway pop hit...

Aaaaaand I think that's it. So ta ta my dearies, perhaps you'll hear from me soon.

Oh actually I wanted to say the internet is sort of scary. After searching for the taco vs. grilled cheese picture, YouTube would only recommend clips from Hot Rod to me. It's a good thing I love Hot Rod.


  1. I vote in support of waffles. They're better designed than either pancakes or french toast, since the wafflyness of the waffles is optimal for containing syrup, so you can maximize the amount of syrup on your waffles without getting syrup all over the rest of your plate. And as far as cheapo frozen brands are concerned, waffles are quick to make, as you just shove them in the toaster until done.

    However, if we're assuming that everything is made from scratch (or at least disallowing Eggo-type shenanigans), I may have to give it to pancakes. Waffles, although optimally designed, require the use of a waffle iron. Pancakes, on the other hand, need no such fancy machinery, or at least fancy machinery that is more common and more useful than a waffle iron. Pancakes also have a wonderful degree of customizability, as any adventure to IHOP would reveal.

    If I was a vegetable, I would be a pumpkin, because it's orange and technically a fruit.

  2. I am so glad that you put thought into this question! And I think I agree with you if the battle is waffles vs. pancakes, but I threw French toast in because it's the bomb.

    I can't make pancakes. I don't know why but I just fail at it. I've never even attempted non-Eggo waffles.

    So what you're saying is you wouldn't be a vegetable at all?

  3. I haven't had enough experience with the makings of French toast (or eating it, for that matter), but I feel that it isn't as readily made fancy as pancakes or waffles, and it's no easier to prepare than an Eggo. I do enjoy French toast sticks, though.

    And yes, I'm saying that I wouldn't be a vegetable. Vegetables are icky.
