"Is this like freebasing?" -- Caroline WakefieldSo, a new year has dawned! Our happy fun blog has been active for 2 months, 7 days, 22 hours, 31 minutes, and 42 seconds as of this moment. It will undoubtedly be longer once I've posted this, but you get the general idea. Kaka and I have been blogging regularly for about two months now, and the whole time has been pretty outrageous. One of the things that spark conversation in our apartment is pageviews. Kaka and I have this ongoing obsessive compulsive need to check the stats for our blog, and frankly, I can't help but be amused at the number of views we get on a regular basis, even over the past three or four days when neither of us has bothered to update the blog because we've been either dying or well ... dying. So, I figured this blog would be a nice opportunity to share some of our blog stats with you and give my thoughts on them and, by extension, our audience.
In our first month of blogging, our blog only hit 503 page views. In the month of December, we hit 2,114. I went back and did the math, our posting frequency actually went down in December, so that actually makes me kind of proud of Katrina and I. Blogging has become more second-nature than anything to us, and it seems like our friends and whoever else happens upon our blog genuinely like checking out what we've got to share. Bomb. We're one step closer to becoming internet famous, getting a book deal and never talking to any of you ever again. I'm joking. We're not going to stop talking to you. We'll never update the blog again though, except to announce when we'll be signing copies of our nonsensical book. So far, for the month of january, we're sitting at about 116 hits. In order to sustain our traffic, one of my New Years Resolutions is to average one post per day bare minimum. It's rough blogging.
I'm even going to overlook the fact that Windows is beating out MacOS because some people just aren't as cool as me. I'm made of magic, and my Mac is better than your Windows box. So ha! Extra geek points to everybody who is using a Unix/Linux based OS though. You are made of win and awesome. If you wanted to, we could make the sex sometime. Probably not, but still, it made you feel better about being a geekwad and using a Linux OS. (super extra points for Ubuntu, or RedHat)
Next we have pageviews by country. I have to admit that the first one is kind of a given. nearly 1,500 views from the good ol' U.S. of A. Even the UK views make some sense. Everything else is confusing as fuck! Either we have some friends who are deep-hiding their internet activity through crazy proxies, or we have attracted a very strange following. I say following because these are regular visitors. These weren't one-time stumbles. The Denmarkian views are twice-daily at this point. Katrina thinks it might be her Denmarkian genes attracting them, but that don't explain the crazy views from all over the rest of the worldiverse. I could go through the trouble of tracking these pageviews beyond what blogger automatically does on its own, but mostly, I'm just flabbergasted.
On a very similar vein, I catch myself checking where people are coming from. Naturally, almost everybody seems to be coming from facebook, which makes sense since I only really post that the blog has been updated on facebook. Six more of them are google. Another is iP((o/a)d/hone). There is twitter, which comes from my twitter account, and the account set up to aggregate the posts from facebook for The Tiny Hat Parade. The last one though vandex.ru, which is second to last here, but third from the top in all-time, My Russian fails at life, and even after translating the page... yeah, I got nothing. If you want, you can figure it out for me.
Seeing as how Google is responsible for a certain amount of our views, it's fun to look at the search terms used to find the blog. Unsurprisingly they fall into two general categories: Movies and Glee. There are a couple that stand out though, specifically, "duct tape" and "but I might just". It seems we're ranked pretty high in the image results for duct tape, and hella high in the 'but i might just' web results. Glee quotes, and movie titles are easily explained though, seeing as how all of my blog titles are movies with a quote from said movie in the first line, and I've written about twenty recaps of glee episodes, as well as a Glee Rumors post, and an episode of Glee I'd like to see. This, of course, leads me to my number one favorite part of this post. Top Posts. They shouldn't come as a surprise, since they're on the front page of the blog.
Four of them are gleecaps, which isn't surprising, what it surprising is the staggering lead that S02E09 has over not only the other gleecaps, but over everything else. Nick & Norah's is top-listed because my ex, Jakob, went to pretty great lengths to direct every human he knows to read that blog post in particular when I asked him out. The rest are pretty evenly matched. Katrina keeps threatening to stop blogging if she doesn't get more pageviews and more blogs on the top-ten. So, read more of her blogs. I'd tell you which ones were on the cusp of breaking back into the top-ten, but I really don't know and can't be bothered to research it. I'm lazy, in case you haven't noticed.
So there you have it, a general break down of the people who read our blog. Mostly, you all come from facebook. Those who don't are random and unexpected and only fuel our desire to become internet famous. As the next couple of days progress, I'm going to have Katrina post a new blgopost about her thoughts on our blog and traffic sources. Kaka always brings out the crazy, so it ought to be awesome!
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