Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Am I here, or am I dreaming?

They apparently don't make red onion costumes. This is totally relevant.
Tonight I watched Inception with Cameron. I hadn't seen it before and I enjoyed it. I've got thoughts on it, but I think the internet has had plenty of thoughts on Inception, so I thought I'd talk about what it brought to my mind: lucid dreaming.
For a long time all of the dreaming was lucid dreaming. I was doing it before I knew what lucid dreaming was. I just knew I was dreaming and so I could control what was going on. Lately it's been happening less and less. I guess I sort of took it for granted, because it's just the way I dreamed.

There were two things I couldn't really control: flying and zombies. I mean, I could fly, at will, but never with ease or anything. It required work. I've always had to get a good jump, get horizontal, and do the breast stroke. That sounds sort of dirty, but I think you probably know what I'm talking about. It's not exhausting to do, it just seems like I make it more difficult than it has to be.

And zombies. Oh god. I had not had an actual nightmare in years and years, because I knew I was dreaming every time I had a sort of scary dream. If I got tired of it I could make it change (one memorable time involved making the "bad guy" suddenly be in a giant red onion costume. Dressing up as a vegetable makes it impossible to be terrifying), but not zombies. I have only had one real zombie apocalypse nightmare and I knew I was dreaming, but my fear of zombies kept me so freaked out that I couldn't get out of it. I was pretty shaken up when I woke up (after being forced to choose between hopping off a roof to hungry wolves or staying to be devoured by zombies, which only got into the building because I was paralyzed with fear and couldn't barricade a door), but luckily I haven't had one since then. And I hope it goes without saying that I am not making this up and am actually that ridiculous.

I guess right now I'm just sort of sad that I can't lucid dream, because the way they messed with in-dream worlds in Inception (shut up I don't care about legit terms, I don't know if there is one, shut up) seemed like it would be sort of fun to apply. I miss being able to control my own little world every night.

I've also had this song stuck in my head all night:

I'm not a big fan of they lyrics included videos, but the only that I wanted disabled embedding because the universe is just against me sometimes.


  1. So...I've had a recurring dream about ravenous rabid evil zombie etc. (not necessarily all of these adjectives but you get the idea) dogs/wolves being on the prowl before. The world was like a post apocalyptic world (the kind brought about by a zombie invasion) only there weren't any zombies about, just the dogs. Freakin' freaky. And that you had to choose between zombies or hungry wolves makes me wonder if my wolves didn't hope to your brain. Just sayin.

  2. Ooh that's possible! It did seem sort of random in the dream, like WTF brain? First zombies, now this! You can go to hell!
