Monday, December 06, 2010

I'm going to be talking about Doctor Who a lot. Get used to it please.

I love Doctor Who. I originally planned on recapping new episodes, starting with the Christmas special, but I thought back-recapping would be nice. This is an epic undertaking, so while I'm working on getting the first recap ready, I thought I'd put together an intro post to get you used to the idea/scrolling past my posts.

Doctor Who is an amazing show. It's been on the air forever, basically, except for a really long hiatus. The new series started in 2005. But forget about all that history. Hell, forget about the new series. What I want you to worry about is season five, the most recent season. Who got a new showrunner, a new Doctor, all new companions, a redesigned TARDIS, and a more epic soundtrack. I love the rest of the new series, but season five was amazing, and a perfect place for you to start.

I recommend watching it, but if you decide not to, but are still interested, please read my recaps as they come. I hope to have the season five recaps done before Christmas, but recapping is freaking hard. I hope I get the hang of it soon.

Until then, here's some of my favorite tracks from the season five soundtrack:

1. I Am The Doctor

Holy crap you guys. I love this song. It permeated my soul. I wish I was exaggerating. It's really pretty rare that I really key into a character's theme on the show before the soundtrack comes out, because they just go into the background for me. The epic tracks of previous seasons (Doomsday and This Is Gallifrey: Our Childhood, Our Home come to mind) stood out to me, but those are the badass finale themes. This one is there from episode one (okay Doomsday sort of appears in S01E01, but that's just because Murray Gold liked the bit of music he used when Rose entered the TARDIS so much he recycled it for Doomsday). I jammed to this basically the entire way to work and back today. Don't judge me, try it. It makes your driving feel so much more epic.

2. Can I Come With You?

This is another one that really stood out to me on first watching, because it is used so effectively in the first episode, which I will discuss in my recap.

3. The Patient Centurion

So I can't find a video for this one, but I really want to put it on here. Because Rory needs some love too. Plus it has a great, sort of mournful, extra brassy spin on I Am The Doctor and it's fantastic. So if you can find it, give it a listen.

4. Amy's Theme

Once again with the video problem. This one is great because it has the vocal aspect that is reminiscent of the Ninth/Tenth Doctor's Theme, which is great, because only Martha had warranted it before. It drives home that the Doctor and Amy can be very similar at times. Which I will touch on in my recaps. I wish I could put together a video that wouldn't be impossible to post, but lo, the internet hates me.


Okay so just a warning. This is a recap song of the finale. Spoilers ahoy! But totally catchy and filled my need to listen to the tune to I Am The Doctor before the soundtrack was released. And hilarious. And I'm getting pretty annoyed at not being able to find the songs I want anyway and listening to this will make me happy.

Oh my god he's wearing a fez! Oh my god he's wearing a fez! Oh my god he's wearing a fez!

Anyway, expect a recap from me... tomorrow. Wednesday at the latest. I hope.

1 comment:


    Also, I'll have you know that I adjusted my fez upon reading the Motivational poster.
