Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I'm not even supposed to be here today!

I've been trying to gather my "working in the service industry" thoughts into a blog post for a while now and I thought I might as well just sit down and type them out in a post and see what happens.
I have worked in the food industry and retail. Both are pretty hellish. I can't really decide which is worse, which is strange since the general consensus seems to be that retail is worse. People aren't as picky in retail though. They can be real assholes about their lunch. And, of course, you don't end up smelling like the rancid version of whatever you serve all day when you get home from your retail job.

Retail is fresher in my mind though. I would really like to make some declarations to customers.

Please pick up after yourself! It isn't that hard. I do it. What is hard is picking up after a ton of different people. I work at Goodwill. I make a little bit more than minimum wage. It isn't worth what you ask me to do. Especially dressing rooms. Oh god. How hard is it to hang something up after you try it on? It actually makes it easier on you, because you can organize everything and be done quicker. Seriously, designate one hook the yes hook, one the no hook, and one the yet to be tried on hook. It's great! Even if you leave your nos in the dressing room (WHICH YOU SHOULDN'T YOU BASTARDS!) it isn't that hard for us to pick up after you.

Also: we aren't a haggling society. Don't try and argue down prices. You can ask, especially if there is something wrong with what your getting (and a lot of stuff we get at Goodwill isn't in the best shape), but if you just want me to go down on something for no reason you're asking me to maybe get in trouble. I may not make much, but it's better than nothing, and your cheap ass isn't worth getting fired over.

Put a leash on your kids! Maybe not a literal one, but seriously. Rein that shit in. Stores are not playgrounds and I will one day snap and kill them. Of course, if your kids are annoying enough to make me do that you probably wouldn't have a problem with it.

I don't speak Spanish. I'd like to learn, but I just don't speak it. I'm not asking you to speak English. It's cool. I get it. It's a tough language, it doesn't make a lot of sense, but please don't come to me with a sort of complicated problem if you cannot figure out how to explain it in English. We have someone who speaks Spanish, but he isn't always there. You probably have a friend with a better grasp of English. We could figure this out. I want to help, really I do, but you make it rough on me.

UGH! When I make an announcement once every five minutes for fifteen minutes telling you we're closing in such and such amount of time that does not mean that you come up to the register when we are closed! That means come up now! Especially when you have a cart full of stuff. I had three people, each with a cart load, bring their stuff up to the register when I made the "We are now closed" announcement tonight. Two of them had been in the store for 3 hours and had asked me when we closed 2 hours before we did. They knew! I wanted to punch them.

I just wish people would work under the assumption that I do; if someone is working at a service industry job, their day is worse than yours, so be nice. Even if I've been crying in my car or screaming at someone, when I go into a store I'm very polite and say my pleases and thank yous. I tell the cashier to have a nice day/night. It's common courtesy. You get a lot farther when you're nice.

Anyway! That's enough complaining for one day.

Actually one other thing since the only picture I want to put on here is one having to do with discounts. We are not required to give you your discount. You have to ask. Unless you're really clearly old I will not assume you get a senior discount. Don't yell at me because you didn't have the good sense to ask me to kindly give you 10% off your purchase (which is usually less than a dollar's worth of discount) BEFORE I cashed you out. I'm not a psychic, and you're a bitch.

And even though I think that line is great, I did think of another picture upon creating the title, because goddamn Dante I feel you sometimes.

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