Sunday, December 19, 2010

Josh is demanding I post

There are better pictures of Crater Lake available, but I thought I'd go with the one I took. Oregon is pretty!

I really don't have a lot to say lately. I'm enjoying my free time, which is nice, but whatever no one wants to hear about that.

So let's talk about today. So far I've done lots of laundry, made seven layer bars, tried schnitzel (so bomb and you guys, my boyfriend can cook. Score!), bought lottery tickets for the first time, and ran to an extremely overcrowded grocery store.

These last two got me thinking a bit, because they made me go outside. Well, I went out on the balcony earlier and it sort of started this thought process, but the attempting to accomplish things while not leaving Papillion really cemented it for me.

I need you to understand that while I live in Papillion, I rarely spend any time in it outside of the apartment. I had to Google to find the nearest grocery store, because fuck if I was going to Wal-mart for a can of creamed corn, and generally it makes me angry. So when you combine that with today's fairly dreary, wet weather, I'm reminiscing about Oregon.

In theory I really liked Oregon. It's really a beautiful state, but we lived in an awful town. Terrible. Really just craptastic. I treated it then like I'm treating Papillion now, I didn't bother to get to know it. Every time I needed to find somewhere I didn't go to on a regular basis (AKA home and school) I would get very frustrated, lost, and generally just feel pretty stupid. That's how I felt on the way home from the grocery store today. I got all kinds of lost in the shopping... thing. I don't know. I fail at mega parking lots in general and this was no exception.

So yeah. I'm thinking I should probably start actually getting to know Papillion.

Oh but it definitely feels Oregon-y outside right now, which was the other point to this.

I am required to say that I will get a Who recap together soon, but I don't think you really care.

So yeah. I posted. That should keep Josh happy for a day.

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