Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yes. I am a girl.

Josh's post got me thinking. The whole clothes thing is one of those universal truths I tend to forget in favor of comfort, because sweatpants and t-shirts are like heaven. I usually pull on jeans when I'm headed out, but I usually opt for laziness on my days off.

But I want to talk about slightly girlier things. Putting on make-up has that same effect Josh was talking about with clothes. It makes my day go better. When I catch my reflection in something, I'm a lot happier if I'm a little done up. I have eternal dark circles under my eyes, which are a little deep set, so putting on eye make-up lets me appreciate my beautiful blue eyes. My cheeks are also always red, so that's nice to cover up as well.

I still feel like make-up has a stigma, although it really doesn't anymore. There are still women who choose not to wear it as a sort of statement, but I think that statement only really matters if you don't get it. I don't wear make-up for other people. I wear it for me. It makes me more confident and just brightens up my day.

Same with having my hair done. I don't do it very often, because my hair is stubborn and requires roughly a gross of hairspray to tame it, or else it will go back to its original setting within ten minutes. When it does actually manage to stay, I feel bubblier. It's nice.

And having fake nails. Oh goodness. I have extremely weak nails and no skill with shaping them, so, on the rare occasions when I've actually gotten my nails done (I think it's a grand total of like 4 times) it's pretty awesome. I love driving and seeing grown-up, put together looking hands. And the authoritative click-clack of drumming fake nails on hard surfaces.

I don't really have a point to a lot of my blog posts do I? I can't do the sending a message to the masses thing. I guess I'm just saying these things work for me and I just want to use this as a way to let people know.

Oh and the picture is sort of random. I hate picking pictures for posts, but I guess that's my way of saying throwing on an outrageous masquerade mask while imbibing tequila has a similar effect.

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