Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I am continually concerned with the lack of sense I make

Tonight I will be hanging out with some friends that I have known for at least 8 years (one of them I have known for longer, but it's easier to speak in terms of the whole). This made me head spin with blog ideas, mainly on the subject of different classes of house guest and how someone's status can change over time, but that's not what I want to talk about right now.

These people ruined me. They are all wildly intelligent, hilarious, amazing people and they set my social standard. I expect everyone I meet to be up to their par. It's sort of crushing when people disappoint me.

Intelligence is the factor most people fail at. I still (sort of) believe everyone is smart, in their own way, but I don't meet people with that in my head. I expect people to be smart my way. I believe everyone loves to read and has the ability to form coherent sentences when writing. I believe everyone has the ability to communicate and, in turn, understand complicated thoughts. I also expect them to laugh at math jokes.

Most people aren't like this. I cocooned myself with my nerdy friends for way too long and I am having difficulties adjusting my expectations. This is something I've been thinking about a lot, mainly since this summer.

Let's see. I was going to do a grand post about this, but my adventures proved a little shorter than I expected (thankfully), but let me try and explain this in terms of OK Cupid. I joined OK Cupid in a fit of "Holy shit I'm losing the post break up game, I need to go on some dates STAT!" and it went swimmingly, as mentions of the boyfriend should indicate, but I was sort of snooty. I would glance over profiles and judge people based on their ability to communicate. I didn't look at pictures really, just text. I knew I didn't want to get involved with someone who thought the letter "u" was a word again, or anyone whose texts I would have to spend unreasonable amounts of time deciphering. Is that wrong? I feel like it might be.

As is usual with my posts I'm losing my train of thought (assuming I had one to begin with). Basically I just want to say that I expect all of you to be brilliant and I want you to stop disappointing me. Crack open a book, practice writing in full sentences, see a good movie, troll TV Tropes, do something intelligent today. Okay so TV Tropes might not seem that intelligent, but it encourages analytical thought, which is one of those things I find lacking in so many people.

Slightly related but just popped into my head: TOLERANCE. Holy crap, people are douchebags sometimes. I surrounded myself exclusively with really tolerant people for a long time (probably had something to do with the intelligence factor), but the real world is scary. Yes, I am an atheist. No, I don't want you to pray for me. Yes, my roommate and most of my male friends are gay and that is totally awesome. I get a lot of raised eyebrows these days from some basic descriptions of my life. Or the people who assume Josh is a girl from some of the stories. Honestly.

(Oh and the comic is from XKCD. Blogger is weird and making it unpleasant for me to attempt to link the picture back to you, but hopefully you knew where it was from already.)


  1. I'm glad our brilliance shines together, so that I don't have to work any harder at being awesome. Thank god it comes naturally! We both know how lazy I am. :P And I'm not sure why Google uses my everything but my real name name, but I hope you know this is me. :)

  2. Of all the posts of yours, this one finally caught my eye. This was solely due to the XKCD comic, by the way. I'm glad you think so highly of your friends, and that you won't settle for a significant other who is lacking in intellectual thought.

    Can't wait to see you all tonight. We all have a lot of catching up to do, and I think I am in need of some advice.

  3. @Cameron: Oh my god Runaki brings me back to LJ, although were we ever LJ friends? If not, I don't know why it does.

    @Carly: I'm glad one of you guys read it, because I'm not sure I express how awesome I think you all are enough to you guys, but I definitely had you in mind specifically when writing that :-)
